Gardening News Archives
Missed some news? No worries, as all of our older gardening news articles are listed below.

07.05.12: Andy Sturgeon's New English Garden at Chelsea
Award-winning garden designer Andy Sturgeon returns to the Chelsea Flower Show with an Arts and Crafts inspired garden.

01.03.12: How to Control Slugs and Snails
Inventor of the slugbell; Michael Messina gives some expert advice on combating these common garden pests.

28.01.12: Five Lobelias Receive RHS Award
The RHS has bestowed its Award of Garden Merit on five Lobelias out of a total of over 50 entered into trials in 2011.

21.01.12: Slugs and Snails Top the RHS Pests List
Slugs and snails are the most common garden pests, damaging a wide variety of plants. It's hardly surprising then that they top the RHS' list of the top 10 garden pests.

29.12.11: 2012 RHS Chelsea Show Gardens Confirmed
18 show gardens have been shortlisted for the 2012 RHS Chelsea Flower Show.

23.11.11: World's First Night Flowering Orchid Discovered
Botanists from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and the Netherlands Centre for Biodiversity Naturalis have described the first night-flowering orchid known to science.

25.10.11: Beat the Cold
With weather forecasters warning that the UK may suffer from the coldest Winter in decades the Royal Horticultural Society is advising gardeners to get prepared.

25.10.11: Toad Appeal
The Royal Horticultural Society and The Wildlife Trusts are asking bonfire night celebrators to look out for toads and frogs before they light their fires.
11.10.11: Rare Plant Flowers
A rare North American flower from the tea plant family is flowering at RHS Garden Wisley. The plant, Franklinia alatamaha, is believed to be extinct in the wild but a few gardens, including Wisley, have a small number of plants. Wisley is one of the few that seems to have conditions that encourage it to flower.

11.10.11: Don't be Disappointed about the size of your Pumpkins this Halloween
Leading gardening charity explains why pumpkins are smaller than usual this year.