Chinese Rhubarb

Rheum palmatum

Chinese Rhubarb - Rheum palmatum

Common Name: Chinese Rhubarb
Genus: Rheum
Species: palmatum

The term Rheum is a reference to the Russian river alongside which Rhubarb was first discovered in the wild.

Category: Perennials
Growth Rate: Fast growing
Features: Has interesting foliage, A good architectural plant

Hardiness: HardyHeight: 2.50 m (250 cm)
Sun/Shade: Full sun or Partial shadeSpread: 2.00 m (200 cm)

Foliage Type: DeciduousFlower Colour: Cream, Red
Foliage Colour: Green, Purple, RedFlowering Period: June

Soil Type: Normal/Loam
Soil Moisture: Moist, but well drained

Rheum palmatum is a herbaceous perennial that is well known for its very large, palmate, jagged leaves. The leaves are sometimes up to 1m wide, they are mid-green on the upper surface and purple-red on the underside. During early summer, Rheum palmatum produces large flower spikes up to 2m tall, each holding many small flowers, varying in colour from cream to dark red.



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