White Chinese Trumpet Flower

Incarvillea delavayi 'Snowtop'

White Chinese Trumpet Flower - Incarvillea delavayi 'Snowtop'

Common Name: White Chinese Trumpet Flower
Genus: Incarvillea
Species: delavayi
Cultivar: 'Snowtop'

P. Incarville was a French missionary to China where Incarvillea can be found growing in the wild.

Category: Perennials
Growth Rate: Average
Features: Has interesting foliage

Hardiness: HardyHeight: 0.50 m (50 cm)
Sun/Shade: Full sunSpread: 0.30 m (30 cm)

Foliage Type: DeciduousFlower Colour: White
Foliage Colour: GreenFlowering Period: June

Soil Type: Normal/Loam
Soil Moisture: Moist, but well drained

This herbaceous perennial has deep-green divided, almost fern-like foliage. The flower stalks emerge before the foliage in spring and produce trumpet-shaped white flowers in early summer. Distinctive, long seed pods follow the flowers. The thick, fleshy roots of Incarvillea delavayi ‘Snowtop’ do not like wet soil, especially in winter. It is therefore important to provide good drainage at planting time.


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