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Site searched for Cornus.
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1. imageArticle - The Perfect Wedding Present for Green-Fingered Newly-weds
Plant profile of Cornus controversa ‘Variegata’, the Wedding Cake Tree.
Keyword Matches 6

2. imageArticle - Canine Qualities: Dogwoods in Winter
The attributes of the Dogwoods and their importance in the winter garden.
Keyword Matches 5

3. imagePlant - Winter Dogwood - Cornus alba 'Aurea'
The latin Cornus means ‘horn’, in this case referring to the hard nature of the wood. Alba refers to the white flowers this plant produces. Aurea refers to its golden yellow leaves.
Keyword Matches 2

4. imageArticle - A walk in the park for Perovskia
A plant profile of Perovskia 'Blue Spire', particularly suitable to the current UK climate and our preferred method of pruning Hypericum 'Hidcote' (St John's Wort).
Keyword Matches 1

5. imageArticle - Time for Spring Cutbacks
Many plants require a visit from the secateurs in early Spring.
Keyword Matches 1

6. imageArticle - How to Prune a Shrub
Pruning shrubs can be a bit daunting for the novice gardener, but a few simple rules can help you on your way to safely prune ANY shrub.
Keyword Matches 1